What Are The Characteristics Of a Strong Password?
6 July 2023

A password is a string that usually contains a combination of special characters, letters, and numbers with variable lengths, most are around 10 characters and is required to access a system. Additionally, a strong password is one that is more secure because it is challenging for either a machine or a human to guess. Password strength can be achieved by including the following characteristics in it, and the more characteristics included the stronger it will be.
Characteristics Of a Strong Password
Contains at least 10 characters
The longer the password the more secure it would be. The password's length is more important than its complexity since it would take longer to crack. Plus, a simpler, longer password is easier to remember rather than a complex one.
Use a mixture of letters, numbers, and special characters
Try incorporating different symbols, and numbers but make sure to avoid clichés such as a question mark or a dot at the end, or an uppercase letter at the beginning.
A higher diversity of characters in a password also makes it more complex because it takes longer and is harder to crack.
Is not a word that has obvious substitutions, can be found in the dictionary, or a name
Be more creative in adding symbols into your password and avoid common substitutions for letters such as @ for a, 3 for e, 0 for o, $ for s.
Try to misspell your passwords – even use in different languages. Also make sure you do not use your username, first name, last name, your company name or any well-known name as your password since these are easy to guess by password algorithms and that makes it easier to crack.
Does not contain a sequence of numbers, phone number, or address number
Numbers should be included in a password but avoid using obvious sequences such as '12345', your phone, or address numbers in them.
Not stored in your browser
Never let your browser save your passwords, because browsers can be easily hacked or even accessed by anyone who gets access into your computer account without your knowledge. Instead, use a password manager.
Make sure it is unique
Make the passwords unique by never reusing them because if one of your passwords is stolen, cracked, shared, then all of your accounts are compromised. But since there are so many sites that require logins these days and we have lots of passwords to remember, the best practice would be to have unique passwords for the important accounts such as emails, social networks, bank accounts.
Final Thoughts
Understanding and adding those characteristics could significantly help with strengthening your password and overall account security. Keep in mind that attackers might still try and trick you into revealing it, and no matter how strong the password is, the whole point is that it's something that only you should know. Never get tricked into revealing it to anyone in any way.